martes, 20 de junio de 2017

My apraisal of the English class

INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, WRITE a critical commentary of the English class. Say what you liked and also what you consider could be different and/or better/more useful. PLEASE, feel free to comment on the English teacher too: his communication style, the way he gives instructions or explain things, etc.

In my opinion, english clases have been very amusing this year. I think the teacher should speak more english so that we can learn more the language. Moreover sometimes the clases at las hour when everybody was tired and the teacher noticed it. But there are also good things for examples the teacher´s stories or his experiences, they amuse us a lot and the clases seemed shorter.

I think there should be more english clases because nowadays English is very important. To improve and progues, we should do more exercises to understand the gramar and we should do more speakings to speak better.

jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Unit test 7 Speaking task 

Now a days people are always buying things that they need and other things they don´t. People waste a lot of money and they don´t cara the future of their planet which is their home.
In my opinión, a solution to reduce consuption could be buying less clothes. For example, instead of buying a pair of jeans once a year, people should wear them until it brokes. That is what I do. Another solution to this problem could be reducing the use of wáter.
For example, when I am washing the plates, I close the tap in order not to waste wáter. Having showers rather tan having baths is important too. So, these are some ways to help the plamet without making to much effort.