martes, 20 de junio de 2017

My apraisal of the English class

INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE, WRITE a critical commentary of the English class. Say what you liked and also what you consider could be different and/or better/more useful. PLEASE, feel free to comment on the English teacher too: his communication style, the way he gives instructions or explain things, etc.

In my opinion, english clases have been very amusing this year. I think the teacher should speak more english so that we can learn more the language. Moreover sometimes the clases at las hour when everybody was tired and the teacher noticed it. But there are also good things for examples the teacher´s stories or his experiences, they amuse us a lot and the clases seemed shorter.

I think there should be more english clases because nowadays English is very important. To improve and progues, we should do more exercises to understand the gramar and we should do more speakings to speak better.

jueves, 1 de junio de 2017

Unit test 7 Speaking task 

Now a days people are always buying things that they need and other things they don´t. People waste a lot of money and they don´t cara the future of their planet which is their home.
In my opinión, a solution to reduce consuption could be buying less clothes. For example, instead of buying a pair of jeans once a year, people should wear them until it brokes. That is what I do. Another solution to this problem could be reducing the use of wáter.
For example, when I am washing the plates, I close the tap in order not to waste wáter. Having showers rather tan having baths is important too. So, these are some ways to help the plamet without making to much effort.

lunes, 3 de abril de 2017


Today spend much energy we could save more because each time there are more problems with this theme that we must be United and help the environment.
I honestly spend much energy and instead go up the elevator could climb the stairs. I also have to turn off the light in my room that I always leave it turned on and spending lots of light. In general all over the world can do something to help the environment, for example when it comes to the litter must recycle and sort, do not leave the light on, use more public transportation, not to throw garbage on the street floor. 

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2017

Extraterrestrial life

Today many people believe that extraterrestrial life exists or that there is something more in the universe apart from us. They are becoming more films of science fiction in which attempt to represent it in the beyond.
In my opinion the extraterrestrial life or life itself, it may exist but as if it were in another dimension in which watch over us and know everything that we do, trying to communicate with us, without realizing it has. You could also the possibility of that there is life and that we are alone in the universe have, and if you create another living being in millions of years. But finally, if there is no evidence of that never will it be evident, if not called you crazy.

jueves, 2 de marzo de 2017

My favourite TV series

Moder family is a TV serie very popular and a lot young people watch it. It is about the life of a big family and it´s very amusing and funny.
Moder family tells the family problems in a comic way. One of the most interesting things of the series is that the characters sometimes speak to the cameras about their feeling as they were in a documentary.
I think this serie is a very good option for the teenagers to get nid of their boredom and have a good time. So, what are you waiting for? what Moder family and enjoy yourself!

domingo, 12 de febrero de 2017


Batman is a superhero of black layer, which fights against the bad guys. Its appearance is like a bat, black suit, with black mask. It has many gadgets since it has no power over natural as other superheroes. Fellow of battles is Robin having a red suit and lines amarillas.50 Batman in real life is Bruce Wayn, is a billionaire who stayed with the fortune of his father who died. He
my favorite superhero fights the evils that exist around the city of Gotan, almost always winning them, if not, it would not be. Hope to make more movies because are very good.

jueves, 26 de enero de 2017

Opinion about exams

I think we should do test more often because it helps us to improve more in the subjects and to reinforce what has already been learned. In my opinion today the exams are not much use because the are studied only for the exam and then you do not remember anything. For better the exams should be apprised to study  the things by common sense and not by memory I think that would improve more and more the results in Spain. In the school could also ecourage the students doing a competition with the best grades of the school.

miércoles, 11 de enero de 2017

Christmas Memories 

This christmas I have one memory from new years. After dinner with my family, how every year leave with my friends. We dicide to go a party. When end the party about five in the morning, we think in go to another who finish ended in the eight in the mornig. Nou have ticket!We Arrive in the other party, in the door two doormans biggest and we were not go into. Very angry we think another option and was it we have to jump the fence behind. we jump without not see and finish the night.